Common ePortfolio Questions

Q: I logged on to my ePortfolio in the past, but now I can’t remember the site address. How do I get to the log-in screen for my site?

A: Start by typing in your site address (your UNE user name followed by Scroll down to the “Meta” section of your site. If you changed your theme and no longer see this section, add “/wp-admin” to the end of your URL address.

After you have logged on, add a Meta widget to your site. Click here to learn how to add a widget to your site and to learn about about the function of widgets.

NOTE: If you are user on another person’s site, type in the address for the site followed by “/wp-login.” Some sites are visible only when you are part of the UNE network, so you have to log in to see the content.

Q: Why isn’t my theme updating?

A: First, be sure to activate your new theme. When you are considering changing themes, you may want to “live preview” before making the switch, but you need to click Activate to save the change.

If your theme is activated, click the diamond-shaped symbol on your top toolbar and then “Purge All” to get the most updated version of your site.

NOTE: When you change themes, your site content stays intact but some customization such as your banner or header image and your widgets may need to be updated in the new theme.

Q: I created a page, but it’s not on my menu. How do I fix it?

A: There are a few possibilities.
1. If you saved the page as a draft, you will not see it on your menu until you publish it. Go to the page and select the Document menu. Click “Publish.” Adjust visibility settings if you want, and then click “Publish” again.

If you published the page as “Private,” you (and site administrators) are the only ones who can see it. Your professor is NOT an administrator to your site. Go to the page, and open the “Status and Visibility” section of the Document menu, and change it to either Public or Password Protected. Click “Update” to save the change. Remember to share the password with those who need to see the content.

2. Another possible reason you may not see your published page is that you have to add it to the menu. To learn how, watch this video.

Q: I created menu and saved it, but it is not visible on my site. Why isn’t my menu being displayed?

A: You may not have selected a display location for the menu. Scroll to the bottom of the menu page and check “Primary” or another location. Some themes offer a variety of menu locations while others only offer a few. Save your changes.