UNEPortfolios is a space for students to craft aspects of their digital identities. Initially launched in 2012 as a set of small, course-based pilots, the UNEPortfolio multisite has hosted a close to a decade of student-built and curated sites.
Since 2012, ePortfolio use has grown to house hundreds of active sites each term and has been integrated into curriculum by innovative faculty. Digital project work made and shared in the UNE community (and beyond) helps students demonstrate twenty-first century communication skills as well as more traditional skills associate with career readiness. Students who regularly reflect on their experiences and course work are often also sharing problem-solving strategies, resilience, collaboration, and progress in their learning. When students write blogs, record podcasts, compose audio projects, design web-based projects, and make video projects that can be shared to a wider audience, they are telling a story of their learning and their knowledge in media formats that people increasingly seek.

By working through course-based learning, professionally focused, and self-sponsored ePortfolio development, students with ePortfolios are able to build a professional and creative digital identity.
Visit the UNEportfolio Network blog to see some examples of student-curated ePortfolios and other multimedia project work.