Need Help?

Some students seek assistance from a digital literacy consultant because their professors assign digital projects that require familiarity with new software. Other students are seeking some help with a digital tool to create a video or audio recording.

Digital project support is free to UNE undergrad students and available at designated drop-in times and by appointment. Students are assisted by Digital Literacy Consultants, who are undergraduates familiar with the WordPress software running UNEPortfolios in addition to a range of other digital tools used to complete a project – either for a class or out of personal interest.

  • Consultants offer guidance and assistance for students to create projects. Consultants do not create and edit projects.
  • For assistance with tasks in ePortfolio, a half hour appointment is typically enough.
  • For assistance with editing audio or video projects, an hour appointment is advisable if you are unfamiliar with editing software.
  • Audio recording using Audacity or Garageband may be done during appointments, depending on room availability.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for help on a digital project, please follow the directions below.

  1. Click TracCloud/TutorTrac (SASC’s scheduling software) from the options on the Okta sign-in page.
  2. Once you are logged in, you will see your dashboard. Find the “Schedule a Tutoring Appointment” section, and enter the course and reason for your visit.
  3. For “Reason,” select “Digital Skills” and then “ePortfolio” for help with general ePortfolio needs, or “ePortfolio curation” if you are soon to graduate and are curating your site.
  4.  Click the “Search” button for available appointments, and select an appointment. You will get a confirmation email, which includes the location (or Zoom link) for your appointment.