General Privacy
UNEPortfolios (our Site) recognizes that your privacy is important and seek transparency in disclosing the ways we may use personal and other information. We seek to be minimally intrusive, while also being transparent about how we do use your information. In the process, we hope to educate users of our Site about the ways websites do use information by locating our policies in within that larger context.
Material you post to the Site (blog posts, pages, images, etc.) may be made public. As an administrator of your ePortfolio or blog, you manage the settings that determine the visibility of content appearing on your ePortfolio or blog. Comments, posts, or other material you may contribute to another user’s ePortfolio or blog may be made public if that user makes that content public. Additionally, ePortfolios or blogs may contain links to third-party web sites beyond UNEPortfolios. Those sites will have their own privacy policies for which we cannot be responsible.
We will take reasonable measures to protect the integrity of private communication on the Site. It is important to know that any site may experience hacking, user misconduct, downtime or other technical issues, and administrative errors. UNEPortfolios assumes no liability for any of these occurrences, or the results of such occurrences.
Cookies and IP Addresses
Site visitors may remain anonymous by not logging in. UNEPortfolios uses cookies to collect non-personal information from visitors, provide customization options at login, and to provide the correct customization options as a user navigates the Site.
Your personal data is neither retained nor made available on UNEPortfolios, with the exception of information that you post and make public. Information you share on your Profile page, for example, will be available. Do not make public your Social Security Number or other identification numbers such as your PRN. It is also a good idea to think carefully before posting private information (address, phone number, etc.) to a publicly accessible area of your ePortfolio.
UNEPortfolios collects IP address information to monitor and report in a general way on traffic to the Site, to administer the Site, and to help resolve problems that may occur. We never use cookies or your IP address to collect personally identifiable information.
Back Ups and Security
The servers running UNEPortfolios are backed up daily and off site to protect against loss, corruption, or alteration of the content on the Site.
Additional Questions
Please direct inquiries regarding these and other UNEPortfolios policies to Dr. Michael J. Cripps, Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Composition, Department of English, University of New England: