Static Home Page & Course Blogs

Your ePortfolio may be used in multiple courses simultaneously, so you will want your home page to reflect the overall site rather than one particular course. An “About Me” page is a good starting point when constructing your professional digital identity. This page may contain some description of your background, your interests, your major, and your goals. You may choose to include a picture (remember to keep it professional) or links to other resources that provide your reader with an understanding of you as a learner and a community member.

Even if you are only using your ePortfolio for one course, you will also want to separate blog posts by course to prepare for future use. If you are just launching your ePortfolio,

  1. Open your dashboard.
  2. Go to the Posts menu.
  3. Select Categories.
  4. Create a category following this structure of naming: blog and course number, for example, “Blog ENG110.”
  5. Click the “Add Category” button at the bottom of the page.
  6. Whenever you create posts for this course, categorize the posts using the menu on the bottom right of the page (under the Publishing box).

If you are organizing your ePortfolio and you already have content from an earlier course,

  1. Open your dashboard.
  2. Go to the Pages menu and create a for the course blog page. Ex. Blog ENG110.
  3. Go to the Posts menu and select Categories.
  4. Create a category following this structure of naming: blog and course number, for example, “Blog ENG110.”
  5. Click the Add Category button at the bottom of the page.
  6. Next, view all posts and select all. 
  7. Click Bulk Actions and change to Edit.
  8. Click Apply and then check the box for your course category (ex. Blog ENG 110).
  9. Click Update. This will categorize all the posts from your previous course.
  10. Create a new Blog+Course Category for additional courses and categorize them as you compose them.

Once you have categorized your posts, update your Menu.

  1. Under Appearances, select Menus.
  2. Click on Categories and check the box for your course-specific blog(s). Make sure the box is checked for the Primary menu.
  3. Save menu.
  4. Nest your Course Blog under the course, or keep it as a “parent” on your site.

Static Page. Follow these steps after publishing an About Me page and a course-specific blog:

  1. Go to your Dashboard. Under the Settings menu, select Reading.
  2. Click on “A Static page” and choose your About Me page.
  3. After publishing a Blog page for each course, you may also select your Blog (course) to create a posts page for all the posts related to that course. NOTE: posts must be categorized in order to appear on the course blog page.