Do you need some guidance with ePortfolio? Join the DigiSpace team for remote drop-in sessions!
Mondays with Ashley
10-11 am
11/16 and 11/30
Join Zoom Meeting 97355528696
Tuesdays with Samantha
10-11 am
11/17 and 12/1
Join Zoom Meeting 91058650103
Wednesdays with Laura
10-11 am
11/18 and 12/2
Join Zoom Meeting 93531339393
Thursdays with Amy
10-11 am
11/19 and 12/3
Join Zoom Meeting 357696630
Fridays with Ally
10-11 am
11/20 and 12/3
Join Zoom Meeting 666099197
Looking for help with a podcast? Drop in during Amy’s Audacity support sessions!
Monday, November 30 from 10:15-11:00 am & 2:45-3:30 pm
Wednesday, December 2 from 1:15-2:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting 357696630