As you complete your courses this term, pause to recognize the digital skill set that you are building. What new tools have you learned to use this term? What projects have you created using those tools? If you are reading this, you have probably improved your web-building skills through your ePortfolio work. Maybe you are also learning to use audio-editing or video-editing software. A diverse digital skill set will serve you well on your educational journey but might also help you get an internship or job. Keeping your skills sharp takes some effort, but it is worth the time-investment — especially when it allows you to create interesting projects.
UNE offers a multimodal badge to formally acknowledge your emerging digital skill set. The multimodal badge includes creating three digital projects and reflecting on the process in your ePortfolio. If you have already created a video or audio podcast for a class this term, you are on your way to earning the badge!
“I wanted to have
-Ally Karriker, ’20, explaining her multimodal badge projects
three projects that positively reflect who I am…”
What do multimodal projects look like? Photo editing, podcasting, and video projects are represented in the work of our latest multimodal badge recipient: Ally Karriker, an Aquaculture and Aquarium Sciences major. Ally started her ePortfolio in 2016 in an English course, and she built her digital skill set by creating projects on her own and through course work, such as in Reading and Writing in the Digital Humanities (WRT 304). Her ePortfolio now showcases her digital skills and experiences, and her multimodal projects center around her love for her dog Bella.

Photo credit: Ally Karriker
To get started on earning your multimodal badge, contact Jen Gennaco ( at the Student Academic Success Center.