Welcome Back!

Welcome back! Digital Literacy Consultants are back to assist you with your digital projects. We are kicking off our Spring term with lots of new ePortfolio users. This week, 230 new users started an ePortfolio, and another 60 will start one next week! We look forward to helping both new users and returning users. So Read More …

SASC Conference 2019

SASC Conference 2019 Digital Literacy Consultants arrived to campus early to participate in training and to present to other SASC tutors. Digital project support will be available starting on September 4 , but we look forward to visiting several ENG 110 course sections as students get started on their ePortfolios!

Gutenberg Block Editor

In Fall 2019, UNEportfolio sites will switch to the Gutenberg editor. Gutenberg was designed by WordPress to improve the interface of WP sites across devices and to make creating media-rich environments easier. Gutenberg is a block editor, which means that information is embedded by adding “blocks” to a post or page, rather than having one Read More …