Munib, an ABSN student who started building an ePortfolio in June 2020, has incorporated reflection and project work from six Nursing courses. Featured in our student collection, Munib’s ePortfolio is a process ePortfolio, meaning its content will change as he continues to build it until graduation. In early April, he created an audio project about his experience working at a Deer Isle nursing facility during Covid. In this audio project, he highlights his application of course content while helping a community in need during the pandemic. This edited audio project gives listeners an understanding of his nursing practice while further demonstrating his digital skill set.
I feel as though the ePortfolio is a nice way to display my work in an organized manner for future employers or other people to read. With everything digitalizing in the world, I feel as though this is a great way to adapt to the changes coming.”
ABSN student Munib Abid, class of 2021
Munib’s observation about the importance of demonstrating digital literacy as well as content expertise to future employers is important. Employers of the college-educated work force are increasingly indicating that they value digital literacy and ePortfolios. The recently released study How College Contributes to Workforce Success: Employer Views on What Matters Most, published by the Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) in partnership with Hanover Research, finds that 48% of employers surveyed found viewing a candidate’s ePortfolio was “very useful” in their evaluation. Survey participants (496 executives and hiring managers from large and small employers and across a variety of industries) were asked about their thoughts on the value of higher education and workforce preparedness. One study conclusion regarding ePortfolio is, “Regardless of how the ePortfolio is provided — in a résumé, a follow-up email, or even as part of an email signature —nearly half of all employers surveyed would be ‘very likely’ to click on the link to view a college graduate’s ePortfolio” (13). Employers are increasingly learning about potential employees through ePortfolios.
Looking for some ideas for developing your ePortfolio? Take a look at our selected student ePortfolio collection!