Congratulations to our Fall 2022 Multimodal Badge Recipients!

Multimodal badge recipients created three qualifying digital projects using at least two different types of media (video, audio, multimodal, image). Badge earners typically include two assigned projects, such as video or audio projects that they created for one or more classes. At least one project has to be of the student’s own design but is often based on the content from an academic course or college experience.

Piper Desorcie

Piper earned her badge with two video projects and an audio project. She created a team video for the women’s hockey team, a video tutorial about using iMovie for her position at DigiSpace, and a podcast about food insecurity, which was based on a project she completed for a Sociology course. Piper visited a Biddeford public school to talk with students about good nutrition and to offer them some healthy food to sample. Students were given the snack recipes and also got the benefit of asking questions of Piper, who is an accomplished student athlete and a nutrition minor. Piper then interviewed Jordyn, an Education major who has worked in the Biddeford schools, to discuss Jordyn’s observations about student nutrition.

Piper is no stranger to digital projects or community outreach. Also included in her ePortfolio are a photography gallery and an audio project from her English Composition course. Additionally, her ePortfolio includes her volunteer work for the Northeast Adaptive Athletic Association’s adaptive kayaking program and a hometown program for adaptive sled hockey.

Urja Patel

Urja began thinking about earning the digital badge in her English Composition course in 2019, where her professor, Elisha Emerson, incorporated multimodal assignments into the course. Urja continued to work on digital projects in her ePortfolio on and off through the years. Just before she graduated in 2022 with a Medical Biology major, she decided that she wanted to earn the badge. Her final project, a multimodal blog project, built on the infographics that she created for two courses – Introduction to Epidemiology and One Health. Urja used Canva to create the infographics and then created sample blog posts for a public health blog. Each post includes an overview of the intended audience, typical modes of transmission, symptoms, and treatments as well as an accompanying infographic.

To learn more about the multimodal badge or to apply to earn one, see our page Multimodal Badge.