Categories & Tags

Categories and Tags are two tools you can use to organize your Posts and Pages. This can be particularly important when you are adding different kinds of course and professional content to your ePortfolio.

iThemes has a great, short introduction to Categories and Tags that can help you understand the differences between them.

(If you prefer, you can read the iThemes introduction to Tags and Categories.)

Two Valuable Notes About Tags and UNEPortfolios

  1. UNEPortfolios has an installed plugin (Tag Pages) that enables you to Tag your Pages and your Posts.
  2. You can add a customizable “tag cloud” of your most frequently used Tags to your ePortfolio by adding the Tilted Tag Cloud Widget to your sidebar (Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets). This will enable visitors to click a tag to pull up all Posts and Pages with that tag or keyword.

Organizing your ePortfolio by Course-based Categories

If you are using ePortfolio for multiple courses in a term, consider using this method to keep your posts organized on a sidebar. To use it successfully, each post should be categorized by course name or number. The tutorial below explains how to add the Recent Posts Extended widget to your site’s Main Menu sidebar.