This site is the future home of UNE Portfolios, a space for students to explore and build their digital identities through an ePortfolio. We have been hard at work this summer.
We now have a domain name for our work, nearly a dozen class-based initiatives that will bring students in contact with UNE Portfolios, and a coordinator for the Digital Makerspace (DigiSpace) where many students will soon go to develop digital projects.
With just 30 days until classes start, we’re eager to put the finishing touches on the WordPress tutorials and other start-up elements of the project’s website. We’ll soon have a Facebook page and Twitter handle.
Coming in the fall, we’ll have an evening-hours DigiSpace running, with undergraduate Digital Consultants able to support course-based and self-sponsored ePortfolio work, digital video projects, and more.
If you’re not involved in the ePortfolio effort through a class but want to build your own digital identity at UNE Portfolios, reach out to either Michael J. Cripps ( or Jesse Miller ( We can get you an account and help you get started.