As we make our way through the final weeks of the term, you may need some help with reshaping your ePortfolio, fixing up menus, or adding content. At Digi, we have drop-in hours every weekday from 9:30-11:00 am in Biddeford, Wednesday afternoons from 4:00-6:00 pm and Friday mornings in Portland, and afternoon and evening drop-in and appointments. Visit TutorTrac for drop-in availabilities or to schedule and appointment as you wrap up this academic year!
Some Highlights from our Term
- The DigiSpace team and I visited six English classes, one Education, four Environmental, and four Nursing classes this term, providing direct instruction to 350 students.
- This term, we assisted students with podcasts, making GIFs, working on their multimodal badge, and transforming their ePortfolios from learning ePortfolios to showcase ePortfolios to name just a few.
- About 250 students started an ePortfolio this term, and another 300+ continued to develop their site.
- We welcome our new team member Rachel Dupre, and we wish our graduating team member Amy Bhagaloo good luck as she heads to dental school. Also, congratulations, Amy, on being selected as the 2022 Outstanding Student in Biology!

Contact Jen Gennaco ( for summer assistance or for guidance on a digital project.